SLA (Special Libraries Association) offered a good number of taxonomy-related sessions at this year’s annual conference, held June 14-18 in Cleveland, Ohio, thanks to the organizing efforts of its Taxonomy Division. There were enough taxonomy sessions so that there was always at least one session of interest at any time. SLA is a…
Category: Conferences
Taxonomy Boot Camp, 2018, Report: AI and Taxonomies
Artificial intelligence (AI) is not new, but it is becoming more ubiquitous, and its applications are growing within other specializations in information management, knowledge management, and content management, including taxonomies. Hence the theme for this year’s Taxonomy Boot Camp conference (November 5-6, 2018, Washington DC) was “Bridging Human Thinking and…
Taxonomy Boot Camp London, 2018, Report
This October, for the third year in a row, I have enjoyed the opportunity to attend and present at Taxonomy Boot Camp London (TBCL). Similar in subject area scope, but with unique presentations, to its parent conference Taxonomy Boot Camp (TBC), usually held in Washington, DC, in November, I find…
Auto-categorization and Taxonomies
Taxonomies and thesauri are only truly useful if their terms are appropriately indexed or tagged to content. My path to taxonomist had been as an indexer, so I always value the importance of human indexers. Nevertheless, I must acknowledge that automated indexing, also called auto-categorization, is becoming increasingly common and…
Taxonomy Boot Camp London Conference
Taxonomies vs. Thesauri: Practical Implementations
The differences between taxonomies and thesauri and when to implement which has been a subject of previous presentations of mine and a previous blog post, Taxonomies vs. Thesauri. Most recently, a presentation of a case study of controlled vocabularies at Cengage Learning, which I gave at the “Taxonomy Café” session…
Taxonomy Courses
Note: Since this blog post was written, Simmons College discontinued its continuing education program. I am now offering the 5-week online workshop, previously offered through Simmons, independently through Hedden Information Management. Information is at: __________________________________________________________________________ I have been teaching workshops on how to create taxonomies for over seven years.…
Taxonomy Trends and Future
What are the trends in taxonomies, and where is the field going? The future of taxonomies turned out to be a unifying theme of last week’s annual Taxonomy Boot Camp conference, in Washington, DC, the premier event in taxonomies, from its opening keynote to its closing panel. “From Cataloguer to…
Taxonomy: A Profession, Not an Industry
I am looking forward to attending and presenting at my 8th Taxonomy Boot Camp conference next week. What makes this conference special is that it is very much both a professional and a commercial/industry conference, whereas most conferences tend to be one or the other. In other words, it is…
A Professional Association for Taxonomists
I recently attended the SLA annual conference, which this year was in Vancouver, BC, June 8 – 11. This year marked the 5th anniversary of the professional association’s Taxonomy Division, its newest and fastest growing special interest group. The Taxonomy Division plans the programming of all taxonomy-related sessions for the…