Individual Registration Form

Taxonomies and Controlled Vocabularies Online Course
Enrollment/Agreement Form

Contact Information


Please select your payment option. Note that there is an added transaction fee for credit card/PayPal payment.

If you don’t have a PaylPay account, to pay by credit/debit card on the PayPal site, leave the first two fields for “Email or mobile number” and “Password” blank. Under the word “or,” click on the gray button “Pay with Debit or Credit Card.”

Terms and Conditions

“Taxonomies & Controlled Vocabularies” comprises five lessons, each of which is composed of 3-7 web page chapters with images, links to other sources, and optional assignments. Students are provided a unique login ID and password to the course site.

It is understood that Hedden Information Management owns the copyright to the course web pages. Quoting from them or copying examples from them is prohibited without the permission of Hedden Information Management. The student agrees to view all course web pages in private. Web pages may be printed or downloaded for personal use only. The student agrees not to distribute the contents of the course, either electronically or by sharing printed pages.

This course comprises five lessons. Although it is designed to take one month, login access is made available for two months (approximately 9 weeks). Extensions may be made, but require taking a designated break in the course, as feedback is offered for only 2 months total.

I agree to the above terms.

If you do not receive a confirmation email from Heather Hedden within 24 hours, please email directly: