The Accidental Taxonomist Blog

Directories and Databases of Published Controlled Vocabularies

A source of published controlled vocabularies (taxonomies, thesauri, ontologies, etc.) can be useful for different purposes. Sometimes, finding a vocabulary to license and reuse is the objective, whereas in other cases finding a vocabulary to consult as a source for confirming individual terms and relationships is the goal. Thus, different…

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Synonyms, Alternate Labels, and Nonpreferred Terms

“Synonyms, Alternate Labels, and Nonpreferred Terms” is the title of my next conference presentation in October and in a different, briefer co-presented format as “How Many Synonyms Should You Have?” in November. So, now would be a good time to explore the topic in this blog. Designations   “Synonyms” is…

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Taxonomies vs. Thesauri: Practical Implementations

The differences between taxonomies and thesauri and when to implement which has been a subject of previous presentations of mine and a previous blog post, Taxonomies vs. Thesauri. Most recently, a presentation of a case study of controlled vocabularies at Cengage Learning, which I gave at the “Taxonomy Café” session…

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