About Heather Hedden
Heather Hedden is an information taxonomist with additional experience in indexing, metadata, and ontologies. She has alternated full-time independent consulting with employed experience.
Heather started her freelance business Hedden Information Management in 2004, and has offered various services over the years: small website design and information architecture, back-of-the-book indexing, website A-Z index creation, web indexing training, taxonomy and controlled vocabulary design and creation, taxonomy evaluation and consulting, and taxonomy creation training. The focus of her business currently, while employed, is taxonomy training and very brief taxonomy consulting and taxonomy reviews.
Employment experience has included:
– Senior Consultant with Enterprise Knowledge, providing taxonomy design and consulting to clients
– Knowledge Engineer with Semantic Web Company, providing taxonomy and ontology modeling services for the customers of PoolParty Semantic Suite software, along with sales and marketing support.
– Senior Vocabulary Editor at Cengage Learning, developing discipline taxonomies and metadata for higher education educational products, and at Cengage’s Gale division, managing and updating the subject thesaurus and other controlled vocabularies for indexing content for library research databases.
– Senior Taxonomy Analyst at Project Performance Corp., providing providing taxonomy design and consulting to clients.
– Taxonomy Manager at First Wind Energy, creating taxonomies for document management and search in SharePoint.
– Information Taxonomist at the search & discovery software developer Viziant Corporation, developing taxonomies integrated into a search tool.
Heather independently teaches an online course in taxonomy creation and previously taught it through the Continuing Education Program of Simmons University – School of Library and Information Science. She has given numerous conference workshops and presentations and published many articles on taxonomies, indexing, and other information management topics and has written two books: The Accidental Taxonomist, published by Information Today, Inc. in 2010 with the second edition in 2016, and third edition in 2022, and Indexing Specialties: Web Sites, published jointly by the American Society for Indexing and Information Today, Inc. in 2007. Heather also has a background in writing and editing, including reference book essays, abstracts, technical documentation, and magazine and newspaper articles.
Heather’s professional activities include the following:
- Editor and North American contact for the Basic Register of Thesauri, Ontologies, and Classifications (BARTOC.org), 2018 – present.
- Member of the board of the American Society for Indexing, 2015 – 2018.
- Working group member of the Content and Collection Management Topic Committee’s Bibliographic Roadmap Project of NISO (National Information Standards Organization), which published NISO TR-06-2017, Issues in Vocabulary Management, 2015-2017.
- Manager of the Digital Publications Indexing Special Interest Group of ASI, 2017.
- Chair of the Mentoring Committee (2010-2012) and chair of the Membership Committee (2016) of the Taxonomy Division of SLA.
- Founder and manager of the Taxonomies & Controlled Vocabularies Special Interest Group of ASI, 2007-2010.
- Vice president and then president of the New England Chapter of the American Society for Indexing (ASI), 2005-2006.
Current professional affiliations
Heather is profiled/interviewed in:
- The AI Digest March 1, 2024 (video recording)
- Another DAM Podcast February 23, 2023 (audio recording)
- The Informed Life podcast July 19, 2020 (audio recording)
- Journal of Digital Media Management March 19, 2012 (article)
- Cornell University Russian Program graduates web page
See also:
Contact Heather Hedden
98 East Riding Drive
Carlisle, MA 01741-1602
Tel. 978-467-5195 (mobile)
Book a 20-minute meeting on my calendar via Calendly